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Child Care?
Child Care Referrals
Free Child Care Referrals
Child Care Aware of Washington offers FREE referrals to families seeking child care in their area.
Choosing child care is one of the most important decisions families make. The Child Care Aware of Washington Family Center can help. Call us to find high-quality child care that best meets your family’s needs.
Call 1-800-446-1114 Monday through Friday from 8:00-4:30 p.m. for your detailed report. Parents may also access their own search online, 24 hours a day, by visiting Child Care Aware of Washington.
Hours of Operation
M–F, 8:00 am—4:30 pm
Child Care Aware of Washington operates a statewide call center to assist your search for quality childcare. bi-lingual support specialists are available upon request.

Child Care Aware of Washington provides a referral service only. We do not license, endorse or recommend any particular provider. Only you can determine whether the quality of care is appropriate for your child.
Referrals & Hotlines
Child Care Referrals:
24-hour Hotline
Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect:
1-866-ENDHARM (1-866-363-4276)
Get Involved
Get Involved in Advancing Quality Child Care in Washington and Nationwide
“I want to make a difference in children’s lives.”
If you agree with this this statement, then please visit the links below to find out how you can support policies that protect and prepare our children for a safe and successful future.
Child Care Policy Forum
Do you want to be immediately informed on child care policy issues that matter to you? Do you want to make your voice heard? Now you can through the Child Care Policy Forum! Learn how you will be able to:
- Join state and national efforts to improve the availability and quality of child care
- Find out where your elected officials stand on child care issues
- Stay up to date on child care public policy changes, provide feedback to policy makers, and learn about the latest trends and reports
- Contact child care leaders in WA State, such as the Department of Early Learning
- Use tips and tools provided to make expressing your opinion on important child care issues easy and valuable
- Contact media sources to share your opinions on the state of child care
Mom’s Rising
Where people across our nation can talk politics, policy, and parenting.
Child Care Aware Parent Ambassadors
Becoming informed about the need for better child care policies, and letting your voice be heard.
The Children’s Alliance—Early Learning Action Alliance
A coalition of organizations in Washington State that believe all children should have the opportunities and support they need in the first five years to be prepared for school and a bright future.
Interested in supporting the work through a donation?
Visit Child Care Aware to learn about public policy activities and events

Valuable Resources
Valuable Resources for Parents Seeking Child Care
Choosing child care is one of the most important decisions families make. We’ve put together a list of resources to help you in the decision-making process.
- Quality Child Care checklist
- Lista de control de calidad del cuidado infantil
- To Check on licensing records or complaint history visit the Department of Early Learning Child Care Check page.
- Department of Children, Youth and Families
- Interested in supporting Child Care Referral Services or Data reports related to child care? Visit Child Care Aware of Washington for more information.
- Interested in Public Policy information? -Visit Child Care Aware of America for national news and information.
- Check your eligibility for assistance to pay for child care Working Connections Child Care Subsidy
Program Contacts
CCA of Southwest Washington Staff Contact Information
Your feedback is important. Let us know how we are doing.
Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech impairments may contact us through Washington Relay Services TTY at 1-800-833-6388.
Early Care and Education-ESD 112
2500 NE 65th Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98661
(360) 952-3466
Fax: 360-694-2467
Toll Free Parent Line:
Toll Free Provider Line:
360-952-3466 or 877-803-3287
ECE State Resources
Early Care and Education in the News
Vancouver early learning centers get more than $400,000 from state to make renovations
(The Columbian, August 2024)
‘I really don’t know where we go from here’: Analysis highlights Washington child care crisis
(The Columbian, August 2024)
Get Social with Us
Enroll for School Age Child Care!

School age child care is available at select Evergreen Public Schools locations for children in grades kindergarten-5th grade currently attending elementary school.