Youth ages 16-21 who have an IEP or 504 Plan are encouraged to apply for a SummerWorks position

With financial support from Workforce Southwest Washington’s SummerWorks program, ESD 112 is currently accepting applications for a paid summer work experience program for local youth. The program serves youth age 16 to 21 who have an IEP or 504 Plan to help prepare them for entering the workforce. The program is run by ESD 112’s Teaching and Learning division and is made possible thanks to the Washington State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

This summer, the SummerWorks program may look a little different than usual, due to social distancing requirements. While details for the 100-hour paid work experience portion of the program are still being worked out, SummerWorks participants will have access to a number of virtual tools over the summer to aid in their career development. Virtual opportunities will include professional development and training webinars, resume development, interview skills practice, and virtual job shadows of local professionals in a variety of industries.

2019 ESD 112 SummerWorks student participants


To be eligible for the SummerWorks program, applicants must be between 16 and 21 years of age; have an IEP or 504 Plan; be enrolled in a school; and live in Clark, Cowlitz, or Wahkiakum County. Participating students must also be able to work and transport themselves independently.

How to apply

To apply for SummerWorks, a student or family must submit a completed application and Pre-Employment Transitions Services form (these can be obtained through your school or the SummerWorks team) and provide copies or scans of the following documents before starting their work assignment:

  • Photo ID (State, School, passport or Tribal)
  • Signed Social Security Card
  • Proof of Registration for Selective Service (for men 18 and older)

Need more info?

For more information or questions about the application process, please visit our website; or contact Becky Mohagen (Clark County), Nathan Abbott (Clark County), or Christine Katon (Cowlitz & Wahkiakum County).

Summer Works is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Washington Relay 711.  This project is made possible by the Washington State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.  This project is funded by the WA State of DSHS/Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.