
An online tool for teacher and principal evaluation.

About eVAL

What is eVAL?

As a web-based tool, it is designed to manage and document professional growth and evaluation. For the past three years, 10,000+ Washington educators have used eVAL to support teacher and principal evaluations. Their feedback has led to important updates. Now … eVAL 2.0 is more intuitive, safe and secure, and more closely aligned to authentic feedback practices. The site is physically secured, monitored 24 hours a day, and backed up continuously.

What does eVAL 2.0 do?

eVAL is an online tool that brings teachers and principals together to collaborate and discuss all aspects of professional growth and evaluation. It’s primary features include:

  • Self-assessments
  • Goal-setting
  • Conducting and participating in observations
  • Managing artifacts and evidence
  • Managing summary data and reports

What else does eVAL 2.0 do?

Users will notice additional resources that promote quality discussions and meaningful explorations of instructional strategies that lead to changed instructional practice in the classroom:

  • A collection of 93 videos for exploring your instructional framework in the context of classroom instruction. The new eVAL Video Library for can be used for hosting practice observation sessions, and participating in the annotation and scoring of the recorded lesson activity.

OSPI, the WEA, and ESD 113 continue to fund the development of eVAL. Among the many improvements planned throughout the year, you can expect to see expanded support for instructional frameworks, increased partnerships for evidence gathering, and increased usability on mobile devices.

eVAL Washington

PD Resources

eVAL Professional Development Resources

ESD 112 has three objectives for supporting eVAL 2.0:

  1. To introduce the new version of eVAL to district leaders who are not currently using it;
  2. To help current users of eVAL make the leap from version 1.0 to version 2.0;
  3. To assist eVAL District and School Administrators to configure eVAL 2.0 for 2018-19.

eVal Help Files/User Guides

eVal Tutorial Playlist



  1. Have the District Security Manager set up users in EDS, and assign roles for all users. See the document entitled eVAL – Roles-Positions-Tasks.
  2. Have the eVAL District Administrator login to the eVAL tool to identify/confirm their instructional and leadership frameworks, assign “evaluatees” to their evaluators, and configure other settings. The eVAL District Administrator can delegate some of these tasks that are building-based to a staff member at each building who is designated to manage and pair users. This needs to be done before the onset of each school year. See the District Administrator Handbook.
  3. If the District Administrator of eVAL has delegated the task of teacher assignments to the School level, that gives the Principal and the School Administrator of eVAL the ability to assign teachers to their evaluators, as well as identify the evaluation cycle for each teacher. The Quick Start Guide will guide Principals and School Administrators through these steps.

You will sign in to eVAL through EDS.

It may be helpful to have teachers and principals log in to eVAL and complete a self-assessment as one of their first activities.

No. Evaluations and other evaluation-related data can only be accessed by users with permission to view the web site. The web site is not publicly accessed via the web. Users of the web site are directed to eVAL from a second web site that manages the roles and permissions of eVAL users.

No. Only certain school and district leaders can view the contents of evaluations in eVAL. At the end of each year, district officials submit a report to the state, which only contains the number of teachers and principals in each of the four levels of proficiency.

We have created a sandbox that mirrors your “live eVAL website” exactly. The sandbox is intended to provide a place for district training and awareness-building. There are some important things to note about the sandbox:

  1. Access the sandbox
  2. Before you can access the sandbox, your District Administrator (of eVAL) must select a framework and configure eVAL for the users in your district. See above.
  3. The sandbox is restored to a clean state each night around 12:00 AM, so changes are not saved.

Yes, training on the use of the eVAL tool is available. Please call us to schedule a training session for your staff:

Kristina Wambold kristina.wambold@esd112.org

The developer of eVAL 2.0 is currently working on the following revisions:

  • Since the workshops were held in August, 2016, a self-assessment report was added.
  • Improvements to the Observation report.
  • Generating a report on each sign-off of a Student Growth Goal plan.
  • Improved performance of using the Back/Forward browser button.

The developer will work on the following features of eVAL 2.0 further on down the road:

  • Training site additions: practice sessions and district training videos.
  • Completion of the summative evaluation workflow.
  • The inclusion of an “update report” within the eVAL tool.

Yes! An app is coming, but it may not be available right away, as there is more work to be done on the online eVAL tool. The future app will include some of the same features as the original app:

  • The ability to capture and upload artifacts during an observation.
  • The ability to engage in learning walks and rich, follow-up conversations.

Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinars

Now Available as Video Tutorials

 The purpose of these webinars was to provide introductory information about the new version of eVAL 2.0 so that teachers and principals could begin using eVAL 2.0 for teacher and principal evaluations right away. They have been recorded and published below for easy access.

Using eVAL 2.0 for Student Growth Goals

Audience: Principals and Teachers
Length: 0:37:39

This webinar provides an overview of how the new eVAL 2.0 tool is used for Student Growth Goals. It will also demonstrate the interaction between the teacher and the principal.

Using eVAL 2.0 for Observations

Audience: Principals and Teachers
Length: 46:01

This webinar provides an overview of how observations are scheduled, conducted and reviewed. It features the use of prompts for pre- and post-conferences, coding, packaging evidence, and sharing the final observation report. It also demonstrates the interaction between the teacher and the principal.

Managing Artifacts and Evidence in eVAL 2.0

Audience: Principals and Teachers

This webinar provides an overview of how to attach artifacts and manage evidence. It covers the three types of artifacts that can be attached; the sources of the artifacts, and the steps in attaching artifacts. In addition, it shares information about packaging evidence, and what steps need to be taken to make observation evidence to appear in the Year-to-Date Evidence menu. Finally, it demonstrates some interaction between the teacher and the principal when managing artifacts and evidence.

Setting up eVal 2.0 

Audience: District Administrators

Length: 0:58:56

This video will show District Administrators of eVAL how to select your district’s frameworks, pair teachers with their evaluating principals, select their evaluation plan, write cross-district prompts, view coverage of evidence, and more.

Upcoming Classes

Workshops for Your District

Your Contact for eVal

Kristina Wambold

Integrated Educational Technology Coordinator


Phone: 360-952-3393

Email: kristina.wambold@esd112.org

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